Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Complaint and Reply Order Latter

Complaint Order Latter 
12TH December 2013

Cipete Street 4
North Jakarta
Dear Manager of PT.MAJU MUNDUR,
Along with this letter, we notify that accessories a motorbike that us a message came just in time, yet there was some tainting or damage in some accessories you send, the damage are:
1. As many as five units led light motor there is a rift
2. Eight units discs broken
3. Six units ban tear
4. Three units kenalpot broken
Thus a unit of units that there is damage we will return it as evidence of complaints of us.
We hope the incident from recurring, because can retard the course of the company performance us, if there is a mistake back then with, we shall decide cooperation us with your company.
We wait counterpunch you as soon as possible thank you very much
sincerely yours,
Raya Bogor Street
west java

 Reply Complaint Order Latter 

13TH December 2013

Raya Bogor Street
west java
Dear Manager of PT. ONE BROTHER,
      The letter which you sent on 12 december 2013 we have learned and we have a purpose and objective you, and i understand it about the damage of a unit that we send.
      Associated with it we apologized of magnitude, that we can ' t receive complaints were due to a package that we send in a state of good and has passed the test before sending the feasibility as well as we have check the condition of the unit.
      However, we will remain in charge of a unit that we send because you have given evidence and restore a unit of the unit. We will send a new unit back unit within two days as from this letter is sent.
Over his attention thank you
sincerely yours ,
Cipete Street 4
North Jakarta

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